
Funeral Pre-Planning: Design Your Own Services
Many people choose to personally pre-plan their funeral in advance, just as they create their own will, arrange their inheritance, and plan their estate. In addition to giving you a say in how you will be remembered and honored, funeral pre-planning and pre-funding lifts the emotional and financial burdens of planning a service from your loved ones.
At Evans-Nordby, we know that planning your own funeral arrangements is a deeply personal process. Andrea Karels and Stephanie Stolt, our pre-planning specialists, are highly experienced and will help you make informed decisions. They will walk you through every aspect of advanced planning, giving you all the time you need to make arrangements that reflect your standards, lifestyle, interests, and budget. We promise to carry out your choices as planned and honor your wishes to the letter.
While this is not necessary, pre-funding eases the financial burden on you loved ones and ensures the services you choose are covered.
What is Pre-Planning?
Pre-planning is the process of arranging for funeral, cremation and/or ceremony services prior to a death occurring. When pre-planning, you can go over all aspects of the services you would like in order to have your wishes written down. This alleviates the pressure on family at the time of death in order for them to focus on grieving instead of making decisions that may or may not be what you requested. Some people take this a step further and choose to pre-fund the choices they have made so they can protect the funds needed for their services and give their family the peace of mind that finances are in order.